Who can apply for a CLTC land lease?
18GAR, Chapter 6A §6A106. Application for Leases: Qualification of Applicants.
Anyone who meets the following requirements may apply.
- Must complete a CLTC land application. Application must be notarized; and
- Must complete a CLTC Family Tree Form; and
- Must be 18 years old or older; and
- The applicant shall pay $50.00 non-refundable processing fee to the commission to process application within 30-days from application submittal; and
- Must qualify as an eligible beneficiary under the Public Law 35-112
What documents are required to qualify?
Should the applicant qualify as an eligible beneficiary based on 21GCA, Chapter 75A, §75A101.2, the following must be submitted –
- Applicant’s Birth Certificate; and
- The Applicant’s Ancestor’s Birth or Death Certificate(s) that links you to the ostensible land owner or the individual that farmed, ranched or occupied on the land acquired by the United States government.
Can I switch my application type?
Can I transfer my Residential/Agricultural Lease to someone else?
Based on PL23-38, Section 7.5, the Lessee can transfer his or her Residential/Agricultural Lease to a qualified applicant, however, the transferee will have to qualify under 21GCA, Chapter 75A, §75A101.2. All necessary requirements are needed to fulfill the takeover before an Addendum Lease is issued to the transferee.
I have already signed a lease but would like to relocate to a different location? What are the steps?
- A request of relocation shall be submitted to the Chamoru Land Trust Commission via a notarized letter addressed to the CLTC Administrative Director;
- Upon the relocation request, the assigned CLTC Land Agent to your case will present a staff report to the CLTC Board of Commissioners for consideration;
- Upon a scheduled board hearing, the commission will hear your case and determine the approval of your request.
Can I name someone as my designated successor?
- Yes. Please refer to 21GCA, Chapter 75A, §75A109. Successors to Lessees and Applicants.
- It is the recommendation by the CLTC Board of Commissioners to name only one (1) designated successor.
I already have a designated successor but I would like to make a change. Can I do this?
Yes, however, your requested successor must qualify under 21GCA, Chapter 75A, §75A101.2. Upon submittal of your request, the new successor will be advised whether they have met the 75A qualifications. A qualification letter from the Administrative Director will be forthcoming upon the conclusion of the findings from a CLTC land agent.
Can I have someone stay in my property while I am off-island?
A letter of authorization from the Lessee is required with the approval of the CLTC Board of Commissioners. If there is no authorization from the Lessee to be occupying on the subject lot, a citation may be issued to the CLTC Lessee. For further clarification and questions, please make an appointment to see a land agent who can further assist you.
Can I rent my property out?
No. Based on 21 GCA, Chapter 75A, §75A108(e), The Lessee shall not sublet his interest in the tract or improvements thereof. Violation of this provision shall constitute grounds for cancellation of such lease.
Can I sell my CLTC property?
No. The properties under the CLTC Land Inventory belong to the Government of Guam. These properties are not for sale to any public or private properties. In the event that CLTC is informed of such sale, the CLTC Lessee may be subject to termination upon the CLTC Board approval.
What date is CLTC currently working on?
CLTC is currently working on applications as of December 2, 1995 as of 8:07AM.